hello everyone!!:)this week was awesome! not a lot of time to work but we got a lot of work done with the time that we did have. sister redford and I are starting to teach this kid named josh. he used to live in Alaska where one of my companions sister Burgoyne lives and he has been down in texas for about a month now. he just turned 19 years old and has a date of jan. 2nd. my hopes is that he will get baptized and then go on a mission and be like this elder here named elder bond!! elder bond is a convert and was only a convert of about a year and then he came on his mission and he came out with me. anyways josh is was awesome and is progressing so well!!! then Diana barnes who is married to a member is progressing just as well:) she is totally going to get baptized!!:) marissa who is 16 is doing good as well:) everything is just starting to move forward and I am so grateful that I get to be apart of heavenly fathers amazing work:)this week for thanksgiving sister redford and I ate at 3 members houses!! we were stuffed and I think I probably gained 5 pounds that day!! hahaah we then did service by helping cook thanksgiving food for Diana since she just got out of the hospital and then did a little planning since Thursday is our planning day. then later on that night sister redford wasn't feeling good and so she threw up and the next day we had to go on exchanges with a group of sisters and I felt so bad!!:(sister redford and I are teaching this less active named terry and terry has 2 pet raccoons so I got to hold them this week!!! hahaha the coolest thing ever!! actually I think it tried to attack me!! hahaahthen sunday I got to give a talk on missionary work. and it actually turned out better then I thought! I think people got the point that this work isn't about us, and that this is Christ church.... hopefully! a lot of people came up to me afterwards and thanked me for my words!! I guess prayers do come true because I was praying that the holy ghost would work through me:) its amazing to be apart of gods work!! I love it! but with that I have to go!!! but I love you all!! keep working on doing missionary work!! it can always be done! I love you!!love, sister turpin
Sister Kira Turpin's weekly letters home during her service in the Texas Houston East Mission.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Sister Redford's letter
Hello Y'all:)
This last week in the mission has been incredibly testimony building. We as a zone were able to get the highest amount of lessons ever recorded for this area which absolutely amazing! We all have been working so hard to do everything possible to get our numbers up. It has taken a lot of sacrifice but really what is work without sacrifice? It makes it all worth it when we are able to see the miracles that come out of it. This week one of the miracles happened in District meeting. So as a whole we set a goal of how many people we want to have with a baptism date, so individually we go off and pray and receive revelation about what we think that number should be. We have 12 people in our district and when we were saying what number we received from our heavenly Father 10 of us got the number 15. What a miracle to see that through us individually we were able to listen to the Holy Ghost and get direction for the district as a whole. On my mission I have had no greater experiences with prayer and being guided right then and there what I should do or say. I go into a lot of lessons with a prayer in my heart and keep it with me through the whole lesson. I can not tell you how much of a difference I have seen it make in my teaching abilities and the things that I am able to convey to help them understand and come to Christ.
This Thanksgiving was absolutely awesome! We met with some amazing member and ate some really great food. We had three appointments so we were fed three times, portion control is such a huge thing down here but so hard to do when the food is so good. But the members are so kind and most if not all of them are converts and all of their stories are incredible. We shared this thing we called the restoration of the cup song, it is pretty awesome I will have to send a video of what it looks like sometime. Everyone we do it for absolutely loves it! We were also able to help our investigator Diana cook her Thanksgiving dinner. She is the one who just got out of the hospital. She is really doing well and we are starting to teach her and she is really progressing!
I had Exchanges again this week which was awesome. I love learning different ways to do things and different ways to teach. I was on exchanges with Sister Powluk, She is absolutely awesome. She is a convert and is so knowledgeable about the scriptures. I learned a lot from her in such a short amount of time. We met this guy named Adam. He was 6'10. He towered over both of us. We asked if he was named after the first man on earth and he just laughed at us and then pulled out the three bibles that he had in his truck. We hard a really good descusion with him and then asked him if he ever thought there could be more scriptures. We were so surprised when he said he has always wonder that. Perfect time to bring up the Book of Mormon! He accepted and hopefully he will start reading it. He did try to give us pork skins.. Let me tell you I don't think there is anything worse on this planet then those things. So being the kind person I am I pretended to pull one out like I was going to eat it and promply put nothing in my mouth. He thought I had eaten one and 5 min later asked me to eat another one. So I did the same thing again. I put my hand in the bag made it look like I had one and put nothing in my mouth. He did this 6 or 7 times and finally we had to go home so we wouldn't be late but me and sister Powluk were laughing so hard the whole way home. We are surprised he didn't notice.
We taught Charlotte a lot this week. The most moving lesson was when we sat down and prayed with her about a baptismal date for her and her husband. When we first asked her to do it she was very hesitant and did not like the idea. She thought that she should be doing in it private. But we promised her that if we all put our faith together that she would receive an answer from Heavenly Father about when they would be ready. So we knelt in prayer and when she asked God I had a strong feeling of the month of April which is 5 months away.. But we are talking about when they both will be ready and Jeramy her significant other has not taken the lessons before. She started to cry as she felt the love and guidance of our Heavenly Father. When she was done praying she said that she felt him tell her that they will be ready by her birthday which is April 6th. HOW CRAZY!!!! The member that was there said she had an impression about her dad and low and behold her dads birthday is on April 6th as well. And sister Turpin felt the month of April as well. What a miracle prayer is. My testimony on prayer is so strong. He does listen and he does answer. Sometimes right then and other times it takes a while but he still answers.
I am serving in the best area and with the best missionary. I am so blessed to be a missionary at this time to be part of Gods army to bring the work forth. I love being a representative of Christ and always strive my best to do all the things I can to become more like him. This week has been a week of many miracles and I know it is because the Lord is on my side. I have started marking the work Lord, Redeemer, Messiah and such in a new book of Mormon and high lighting the things that he does or says. I want to get to know him better and I already feel like I have a stronger connection and I just started this week. It is really cool to see how much he is actually talked about and the things that he emulates as he speaks, directs, or comforts those in the BoM. I love this gospel and the people that I am teaching. I am learning and getting better everyday at expressing the importance of this gospel to others. The spirit is the head of conversion. I can not convert. Only the spirit can do that, I can bring the spirit but unless these people have open hearts they will not let that seed be planted. Like the parable of the sewer.
Love you all and have a great week:) Have a happy Holidays, give thanks daily
Sister Redford
This last week in the mission has been incredibly testimony building. We as a zone were able to get the highest amount of lessons ever recorded for this area which absolutely amazing! We all have been working so hard to do everything possible to get our numbers up. It has taken a lot of sacrifice but really what is work without sacrifice? It makes it all worth it when we are able to see the miracles that come out of it. This week one of the miracles happened in District meeting. So as a whole we set a goal of how many people we want to have with a baptism date, so individually we go off and pray and receive revelation about what we think that number should be. We have 12 people in our district and when we were saying what number we received from our heavenly Father 10 of us got the number 15. What a miracle to see that through us individually we were able to listen to the Holy Ghost and get direction for the district as a whole. On my mission I have had no greater experiences with prayer and being guided right then and there what I should do or say. I go into a lot of lessons with a prayer in my heart and keep it with me through the whole lesson. I can not tell you how much of a difference I have seen it make in my teaching abilities and the things that I am able to convey to help them understand and come to Christ.
This Thanksgiving was absolutely awesome! We met with some amazing member and ate some really great food. We had three appointments so we were fed three times, portion control is such a huge thing down here but so hard to do when the food is so good. But the members are so kind and most if not all of them are converts and all of their stories are incredible. We shared this thing we called the restoration of the cup song, it is pretty awesome I will have to send a video of what it looks like sometime. Everyone we do it for absolutely loves it! We were also able to help our investigator Diana cook her Thanksgiving dinner. She is the one who just got out of the hospital. She is really doing well and we are starting to teach her and she is really progressing!
I had Exchanges again this week which was awesome. I love learning different ways to do things and different ways to teach. I was on exchanges with Sister Powluk, She is absolutely awesome. She is a convert and is so knowledgeable about the scriptures. I learned a lot from her in such a short amount of time. We met this guy named Adam. He was 6'10. He towered over both of us. We asked if he was named after the first man on earth and he just laughed at us and then pulled out the three bibles that he had in his truck. We hard a really good descusion with him and then asked him if he ever thought there could be more scriptures. We were so surprised when he said he has always wonder that. Perfect time to bring up the Book of Mormon! He accepted and hopefully he will start reading it. He did try to give us pork skins.. Let me tell you I don't think there is anything worse on this planet then those things. So being the kind person I am I pretended to pull one out like I was going to eat it and promply put nothing in my mouth. He thought I had eaten one and 5 min later asked me to eat another one. So I did the same thing again. I put my hand in the bag made it look like I had one and put nothing in my mouth. He did this 6 or 7 times and finally we had to go home so we wouldn't be late but me and sister Powluk were laughing so hard the whole way home. We are surprised he didn't notice.
We taught Charlotte a lot this week. The most moving lesson was when we sat down and prayed with her about a baptismal date for her and her husband. When we first asked her to do it she was very hesitant and did not like the idea. She thought that she should be doing in it private. But we promised her that if we all put our faith together that she would receive an answer from Heavenly Father about when they would be ready. So we knelt in prayer and when she asked God I had a strong feeling of the month of April which is 5 months away.. But we are talking about when they both will be ready and Jeramy her significant other has not taken the lessons before. She started to cry as she felt the love and guidance of our Heavenly Father. When she was done praying she said that she felt him tell her that they will be ready by her birthday which is April 6th. HOW CRAZY!!!! The member that was there said she had an impression about her dad and low and behold her dads birthday is on April 6th as well. And sister Turpin felt the month of April as well. What a miracle prayer is. My testimony on prayer is so strong. He does listen and he does answer. Sometimes right then and other times it takes a while but he still answers.
I am serving in the best area and with the best missionary. I am so blessed to be a missionary at this time to be part of Gods army to bring the work forth. I love being a representative of Christ and always strive my best to do all the things I can to become more like him. This week has been a week of many miracles and I know it is because the Lord is on my side. I have started marking the work Lord, Redeemer, Messiah and such in a new book of Mormon and high lighting the things that he does or says. I want to get to know him better and I already feel like I have a stronger connection and I just started this week. It is really cool to see how much he is actually talked about and the things that he emulates as he speaks, directs, or comforts those in the BoM. I love this gospel and the people that I am teaching. I am learning and getting better everyday at expressing the importance of this gospel to others. The spirit is the head of conversion. I can not convert. Only the spirit can do that, I can bring the spirit but unless these people have open hearts they will not let that seed be planted. Like the parable of the sewer.
Love you all and have a great week:) Have a happy Holidays, give thanks daily
Sister Redford
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sister Redford's letter: Raccoons... and Miracles!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING :)
Well this week has been pretty interesting. I have met a lot of new people, taught a lot more and went on my second exchange! Last P day we went and saw this awesome battle ship in Texas it was way cool and super huge! It was three floor and the guns on this thing was incredible. We went as a whole zone so it was fun to be with all the missionaries. Tuesday was a pretty hectic day. We were suppose to do service but the lady that we were doing service for wasn't home.. It happens too often out here when people just forget and aren't home when they have asked us to come over. Anyways the storm on Tuesday was insane! It was pouring buckets from the sky, the rain here is nothing like the rain home. We also had our investigator Charlotte meet with Elder Swank to talk about the stop smoking program! Her husband has been in the hospital and just barely got home this Sunday. She has been really stressed to we try to go over everyday and just read a chapter of the Book of Mormon with her just to let her know of the importance of scripture reading and how it can help you it times of heart ace, stress, discomfort and really anything you are feeling. She says that she is very thankful for our love towards her and her family! I love her so much, she is truly grown so much since the first time I have met her an even stands up for the beliefs of Mormons when she is talking to her family!!! She is GOLDEN. Dinner with the Guevaras was amazing homemade tamales an Mexican hot chocolate and Mexican pastries! The food here is amazing!
New missionary training was Wednesday!!! It was the best time ever, I got to see all my MTC friends! We were like kids on Christmas morning. It was great to see how much they have grown in just 4 1/2 short weeks. The saddest moment of that day was hearing that my MTC companion went home. I was really hard for me because I could really see how much potential she had and I know that she touched numerous lives while she was out here. I just hope she doesn't regret going home. We had a lot of different people speak to us and really I just had a new view on the work that I have been called to do. My attitude was completely different. All the new missionaries were asked to give their testimony at the end. Such a empowering moment to share with my fellow missionaries, leaders and President how much this gospel has changed my life and how I know it will change others lives. I have learned so much and have grown as not only a person but as a disciple of Christ. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people that they might have everlasting life. This mission has been the most challenging, frustrating, joyful time of my life. I am so grateful for this opportunity and strive everyday to be more consecrated missionary. I also had gumbo for the first time! It was actually way way good! We got our I pads and our driving licenses that day as well, what a great day to be alive I tell you:) after we went and knocked on some doors we found a family that we have been searching for for a long long time! His name is Michael Dimick, Lori Adams, and we met Lori's daughter Marissa. We started teaching Marissa and she was loving it just absorbing the spirit like none other. We invited her to be baptized and she accepted!!! She came to church and loved it, the work is progressing and it feel amazing! I will tell you a little bit about Lori she has no hands and still does EVERYTHING! and I mean everything. Cooks, cleans, writes, puts on makeup, drives, she is even a nurse. Nothing can stop that women. She is amazing. I recited the whole Joseph Smith Vision to her and she sat there in awe, we asked her how she felt after and all she could muster up was nothing cut peaceful. The spirit was so strong.
We also do a Book of Mormon class on Wednesday for anyone who would like to come and lately our numbers are quite sad. We are trying to figure out a way for this class to be something that people enjoy and want to bring their friends to, it is going to take some time but we are going to get there no matter what it takes! Hour of Power this week was amazing! We didn't have the full hour but we found this amazing lady named Riva, she has three kids and really is interested in family history, she is black so she says it is harder for her to find her lineage because of the slave trades and everything. I wish that I would have been more interested in Family History because I didn't really have much to say. We did teach her the Restoration and she was very interested and invited us to come back! oh yeah and her daughters name is Michaela so I guess it us just meant to be :)
Exchanges were also this week so I was leading out with Hermana Bushman she came in with me so we are both greenies and we are still new to all of this so it was quite cazy at times. But we met with a Less active named Terri Stepanski. You will never guess what kind of pets he has..... Raccoons. How awesome is that? I don't think it is really legal to have them as a pet.... but it was way cool! I even go to hold one of them (pic below) he was so sweet and really wants to come back to church because he misses it but he doesn't want to feel like a hypocrite because he doesn't follow the commandment exactly. But church is for everyone and he agreed to come! He even told us that we were exactly what he needed because he has been wondering what he should be doing. Crazy how God always answers prayers no matter what form he might answer tem in. He invited us back over for dinner on Tuesday so we are really excited to get to know him more and to help him get back on the right path!
Friday we exchanged back and one of our investigators Diana is in the hospital she had brain surgery, so we went to go see her and make sure everything had been going good. She is married to a member Brother Barns. He is so funny, when he introduced me to the doctor he said do you see her last name? She is related to the real Robert Redford. He does this every time he introduces me, he is such a sweet man and really wants is wife to be baptized! Here is the cool part at the thanksgiving social we had last week Diana talked to the bishop and said as soon as she is healed from her surgery she wants to enter the waters of baptism!!!!!!!! How exciting is that?! She will be fully healed by January 4th so we are going to make sure we do everything in our power to make sure she is ready as soon as she is well enough to go into the water.
Over all it has been an amazing week and the work has really progressed. Goes to show you that really anything is possible with doing Gods will. I love La Porte and the people here. Sister Turpin is amazing and I have learned so much from her. This gospel is the true gospel and I know that as we strive to be obedient and do everything we can to align our will with Gods will everything will be ok :) I Love being a missionary with all my heart :) Be safe and have a good Thanksgiving. Thank you for all your support and I love you all. Don't forget to count your blessing everyday!
Sister Redford
happy thanksgiving!!
hello everyone!!
this week was awesome! I love it when we get to work hard! even though things kept popping up like having to drive to kingwood and get our car inspected or new missionary training for sister redford, or doing exchanges with the hermanas and not knowing what anyone is saying, to having to go to the hospital because one of our investigators had surgery, anyways over all it was a good week and we got a lot done:) speaking of some cool things!!
first off sister redford got her driving privileges so now I don't have to drive everyday!! yaaaay!!!:) to when we went to the hospital to see this lady named Diana, her husband who is a member said that Diana told the bishop that when she gets back on her feet from her surery that she wants to go down into the waters and get baptized!! and she should be back on her feet jan. 4th!! yaaay! and then this guy that sister redford and I met 2 weeks ago, who lives in San Diego is meeting with the missionaries there, anyways he loves it so much that he got our number and then he told his family about us and they wanted us to start teaching them and so we met them last night and they are the coolest people ever!! theres the mom named elsa and then a daughter named elsa and another daughter named debanie! they are so cool!!! and tehn we found this girl named marissa who came to church on sunday who has a baptismal date and she is just on fire!! she is 16 years old and her mom is investigating as well, so we will see where things go:) her mom has no hands and is the coolest woman ever!! her name is lori and lori is dating a less active member so we will see where things go:)
I have learned this past week about how wonderful and how important setting goals are, as you set meaning full goals having the mind set to accomplish them god is able to help you! everything we have is for our benefit!! heavenly father is amazing and just loves us all so much!! I love you all, wish me good luck because I will be giving a talk at sacrament meeting this coming sunday!! ahhhh!! I love you all! look for what god has given you! you will see that he blessed you in more ways then you know:)
love, sister turpin:)
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sister Redford's letter
Well hello y'all! If you didn't know I hit my one month mark on Saturday and it is crazy to think that I have already been out here for a month! It has been the most amazing, spiritual, testimony growing, exhausting, joyful times of my life! Really nothing could compare to the missionary life. When we tell people about it they think we are in the arm or something which is completely correct! We are Gods army and there is not a better place to be.
This week has been a tough one we had 3 investigators drop us. Let me tell you I have never felt so upset or rejected in my whole life. It is a terrible feeling knowing that there is nothing you can really do but still love them and hope that you brought them closer to Christ in the times you were able to talk to and teach them! But life goes on and the work is progressing. The area of La Porte is the place everyone calls the Dead zone.... It is actually really sad when people refer to it as that because it is my area and I don't see it as that. Me and Sister Turpin are working our hardest to make sure we are getting things to move and the work is progressing slowly but surly. It takes time and that is the hardest part. A lot of the times we wish that we would just one day wake up and find all these miracles but if we want miracles we have to work for them. The more we work the more we see. Obedience is really key to all of this, and its not always easy but it will always be worth it!
We got a new investigator Norma this week she used to be taught by the missionaries but then something happened between her and the missionaries and she decided that she did not want to be taught anymore. But she agreed to let us come over and teach her. She is pregnant with twins and has a little boy. She knows she needs God in her life but doesn't really know where to find him. PERFECT! We will show her. She has been really sick so tomorrow she agreed to let us come over and clean her house for her! Here in La Porte we don't really get a lot of service because the service opportunities are like giving people rides and massaging peoples feet which we cant do either of those... We were able to go to a members house and paint her brick wall for her.
So exchanges were on Tuesday for the first time and I lead out the area because my companion is an STL (sister Training Leader) but it wasn't actually all that bad we saw a lot of success and were able to meet some good potentials and teach a couple lessons. It was weird not being with Sister Turpin but it makes me appreciate her more then ever! Also this week we had Zone conference! It was amazing President Drake and sister Drake were there and spoke to us on the importance of improving our personal skills to teach. It is so true how important the way you sit or the way you talk of the way you make eye contact can show how much you care about the person you are teaching. I still get kind of shy in front of people but my interaction and finding ways to bring the gospel into conversations is getting a lot better from day one. We met these two old men who retired from the Army and they were the funniest men I have ever met. He kept calling us Jesus lovers and the other one called us Satan lovers. They were arguing more then we could actually talk to them but it was great.
This Saturday we were picking up a package and we ran into these three men who had just smoked briscut and ribs, they invited us over and we pretty much indulged a little to much! BBQ is so much better down here! (sorry dad) but anyways we got a return appointment with them! After we had our Thanksgiving social with the ward and there we also ate too much! They make some seriously good food here! But the deserts are to die for! Homemade pies.... yum.
Sunday the elders had their first baptism in this area! It was a wonderful and such a spiritual experience. But the funny thing is she didn't bring a towel and the church didn't have any. They are now going to invest in some because this incident has happened more then once sadly. Her testimony was amazing and she could feel the weight of all the guilt and pain she had felt before be taken from her. I hope that she will continue to follow in the footsteps of her savior and begin to see a whole new light as she is confirmed on Sunday next week!
This week I have been very grateful for repentance. I feel like when we think of repentance we always think of the bad things that we are doing so repentance becomes something we dread. Repentance is for us, it is not for our Heavenly Father, it is not for our family, it is simple and depends on us. It is a five step process. 1. Accept what you have done. 2. Be sorry for what you have done. 3. Confess to our Father in Heaven what you have done. 4. Don't do it again. If we truly repent it is a complete change of attitude, heart, and mind. 5. Endure to the end. You will continue this process for the rest of your life because we are human and we make mistakes and that is ok but always strive for better. There have been times on my mission with out repentance I don't know how I would have been able to help my investigators because I had held on feelings that were not the best or at times when me and my companion have got into little arguments that really should have been nothing that those feeling of uneasiness between us effects the way we are able to teach with each other! In Alma 13: 27 it talks about do not procrastinate the day of your repentance.... It is true people!!! Stop holding on to those feelings that are not of God and give them to him. Our savior already atoned for them so why are you still holding on to them. You are creating your own weight that you are carrying around. So I invite you all to start repenting of the little things. It doesn't matter what It may be stop feeling guilty and shameful for things that shouldn't be holing you back. You can become fully healed through the atonement of our Savior. I know that this is the True church here on this earth and that with out it I would be lost. I love my Heavenly Father and Savior. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and was written for us. It was written for these later days, the last dispensation before the coming of our Savior and Redeemer. Prayer is important and scripture study will help you through anything you might be going through. We are all brothers and sister and the love God has for us is endless. I am thankful to know that I have an eternal family and that is because of this gospel. This gospel is for everyone because it is the church that Jesus set up when he came to earth. We have a living prophet and his name is Thomas S. Monson. He leads and guides us as well as his apostles. This gospel is about joy and love and finding eternal happiness in this world and in the next.
I love y'all so much! Have a great week:)
Sister Redford
November 16, 2015
We did an object lesson for Charlotte about baptism this week and i
tried it out on sister Redford:) this was the outcome
hey everyone!,let me tell you, the mission is the best, the learning experience can be hard but they are life changing, and are the best! and my companion is the best!:)hahaso this week charlotte was supposed to have elder swank come and do the stop smoking program with her on Wednesday and it was going to be right after zone conference, but then she had to cancel because she had to take her boyfriend to the hospital. speaking of zone conference It was amazing! they went back to the basics of missionary work and had us role play a lot. then at the end president drake, had all of the departing missionaries that are leaving this transfer and next transfer get up and bare their testimonies. I just started crying when he called my name to go up. it was like reality just hit me. I got up and just started crying. i never thought that i would have to go up and give my departing testimony, i don't want to go home! the mission is my life and i love it more than anything! but this is the time for me to give my all! to lay it all on the line. after zone conference was over one of the assisants came up to me and said the nicest thing. he said "out of everyones testimonies yours was my favorite because i felt it in your heart, i can just tell that you were the 4th missionary" literally that is one of the nicest complements i have ever gotten. hahaha anywayscharlotte is doing so good though. we taught her the law of chasity, which went pretty well, now we just got to get her boyfriend on board with getting married, and elder swank is coming tomorrow to do the stop smoking with charlotte. and this week is new missionary training for sister redford, and im excited because I always love going and learning on what to improve on. and sister redford and I are really excited about this week because we feel like we are going to make some miracles happen with heavenly fathers help!:)but I would just like to bare my testimony on this gospel. this gospel is everything to me. to know that we can repent each day, and to strengthen our faith by reading praying and being obedient is just amazing to me. I love knowing that heavenly father is always there for me no matter how bad I mess up and it just blows my mind that he would do something like that for a person like me. I know with every fiber in my being that joseph smith was and is a prophet of god, that through him we have this restored gospel, and what a blessing it is for us to be apart of it! I love our prophet Thomas S. Monson, he is truly called by god to share of gods love and guidance for us. we need to be heeding his council daily! I know that the book of Mormon is from god to use. I have seen how it has answered so many of my questions and concerns and I know that it is for us in these last days. I am grateful for the priesthood, because without it we would never be able to return to live with our heavenly father again. this gospel is a gospel of peace and comfort. it is a place of refugee and safety! and all we have to do is be obedient to these things that heavenly father has given us and safety, peace, happiness, hope, guidance, and understanding will come into our lives. this gospel is a gospel of miracles, and freedom. of change, and of a better life!. or heavenly father loves us so much that he sent his son and because of jesus Christ literally ALL things are possible. without jesus Christ we would be nothing. and I totally believe that. I love you and I love this gospel with every fiber of my being. thank you for everything! yall are the best!love, sister turpin
Monday, November 9, 2015
November, Week 2!!!
This was Charlotte and her daughter jasmine yesterday after church!!!:)
We had dragon fruit today!!
We had a greenie breakfast for my little baby girl!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh how cute!!:)
hello everyone!!,
this week went so good! sister redford got to invite someone to be baptized for the first time ever this last week and he said yes!! so we will see how all of this goes!:) haha she was freaking out so much it was the cutest thing ever!! then charlotte, one of our investigators had this awesome thing happen to her this week!! we invited her to read the testimonies of the book of Mormon, and she had been having a hard time with the word of wisdom. anyways the next day we met with her, she said, "I read the book like you asked, and I know its true! I was reading it and every feeling I had our thought I had was wiped away! I just kept hearing heavenly father keep saying, charlotte, you know this is true" my mouth just dropped!! hahaha she then said "i know this is true and i will do whatever it takes!" so she is meeting with this man named elder swank this week to go over a stop smoking program and she came to church on sunday and just loved it! even though it was just a stake conference broadcast!! ahahah she is don't so good and hopefully will be ready to be baptized on the 28th of this month!!:) now we just have to get her married;) now that's the tricky part:) haha but everything in la porte is going great!! i feel like a lot more stuff happened but i just cant remember!! sorry!! Allison and Jordan are still doing good, they still haven't received an answer yet or anything like that but i think they will come around sooner or later!
i love the mission!! the things you learn each day are just incredible! I know this is pretty short but literally everything is just starting to blend together!! hahaa but I want everyone to know that I DO know that the church is true, I have a love and testimony for the church and especially for the commandments that god has given us. I know that jesus Christ lives, and that heavenly father has a great love for us. he know us and he knows what we need. I know joseph smith was and is a prophet of god. the gospel is amazing because each day we can grow in faith and repent and try to do better! its amazing!! I love you all! hope you all have a fantastic week!!! god be with you till we meet again!
love, sister turpin
Monday, November 2, 2015
They awesome investigator came to church yesterday and his name is brother (spicy) Mohammed! Hahaha here is a picture of him and sister Redford and I
here is a picture of sister Redford and I together!
Greetings! From your favorite sister missionary! So you all know that I am training 1 more time before I go home which is always exciting, that means that I am kill training! Her name is sister Redford, she is from santaquin utah, yep! Finally someone that lives pretty close to me:) and she is 5'11 she's soooo tall!!! Hahaha I feel like a midget.... Hahaha but she's so cute!!! She loves playing basketball, volleyball, and softball. She likes fishing, and anything outdoors:) This week was so crazy!!! First off we started in a trio with another sister. And trios can always be hard and sister Redford didn't have her privileges to drive yet and the other sister didn't have a drivers license and so they gave my privileges back and I am now driving!!!! Haha so my fist day driving I got pulled over because I was driving in a school zone of 30 when I should have been going 25 but I didn't know I was in a school zone!!! I literally just started crying my eyes out!!! It was awful but I just got a citation... So I have to go to court on the 18th.... Yikes!!!! The. The sister that sister Redford and I were in a trio with got sent home because of some disobedient things that she had done but what she did really doesn't matter, but that hit sister Redford pretty hard,then on top of all of that sister Redford was sick and then I got sick from her, I had a meeting the the zone leaders for zone meeting and that took a while and then later on the assistance to the president called and wanted to meet with me to see how a sister training leader should be, and so we figured out this plan and we are going to talk about it tomorrow at MLC. Talk about how nerve racking that is!!! Hahaha but it will be good:) then it has been raining all week long and sister Redford had her first ever investigator drop us!!! Hahaha man! What a crazy week for her! Plus her first day we taught the word of wisdom.... Hahahah I just can't stop laughing at how crazy this last week was for her! But still the week went pretty good, and we are excited to just get to work his week and see some awesome miracles!!! Sister Redford is the best and she is so funny and whitti and I think we are going to do some great work!!! They awesome investigator came to church yesterday and his name is brother (spicy) Mohammed! Hahaha here is a picture of him and sister Redford and I and then here is a picture of sister Redford and I together! Love, sister Turpin
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